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Dr. Meghnad Saha College
NAAC Accredited with 'B' (CGPA 2.42)
Affiliated to Gour Banga University

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Grievance Redressal Policy


Dr. Meghnad Saha College is determined to address any kind of students’ grievances and to take necessary actions in this regard. The grievance redressal policy of this college is given here:

    1. When a student comes up with any sort of grievance, he/she is directed to submit a written document detailing his/her grievance to the Head of the Institution.
    2. After the acceptance of the letter of grievance, the Head of the Institution examines whether the issue of grievance is related to ragging or related to sexual harassment or related to any academic grievance.
    3. If the issue of grievance is related to ragging, the issue is directed to the Anti-Ragging Committee. The committee will take necessary actions in this regard following the Anti-Ragging policy. [View details regarding the Anti-Ragging Committee]
    4. If the student faces any issue of sexual harassment, she/he will be directed to Internal Complaint Committee (ICC). The ICC will address the issue of grievance and will take necessary actions in this regard following the policy of ICC. [View details regarding the ICC]
    5. If the student has any grievance relating to academic issues, he/she will be directed to the concerned department. The faculties of the department will address the grievance of the student. [View Departments]
    6. If the student has any grievance other than the above-written issues, the Head of the Institution will immediately frame a temporary committee, if needed, to address the specific grievance of the student.
    7. The resolution of the problem is reported to the Head of the Institution in due course by the concerned of the respective committee/HOD’s concerned.