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Dr. Meghnad Saha College
NAAC Accredited with 'B' (CGPA 2.42)
Affiliated to Gour Banga University

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ICT Facilities in Teaching-Learning

The twentieth century is the age of information and communication technology. ICT spreads its network in every sector of life. Education is not out of it. The havoc exposure of digital movement results in a positive impact in India. But it is already known that the digital knowledge of the rural students is lower than that of urban students due to lack of digital exposure and facility. Therefore, the students of the rural area suffer from many communication gaps in different sections. Consequently, in this digital age, they lag behind the other urban students. Dr. Meghnad Saha College, situated in a rural area, has adopted various measures to raise the level of digital consciousness and competency of the students to acclimatize them to the contemporary digital environment. With this objective in view, the college has established the ICT based teaching-learning system. ICT enabled classroom, seminar hall and lab make the mission of college authority successful. The ICT infrastructure of the college helps to maintain the entire education system fit and fine during the pandemic caused by Covid-19 when the students have been out of campus for a long time.



The classic methodology of teaching, ‘Chalk-Talk-Walk Technique’ has certain limitations such as board management, neat diagrams, and handwriting skills. In the modern context, contemporary settings are favouring curricula that promote competency and performance. Curricula are developed to emphasize capabilities and concerns towards the application of the information. ICTs can provide strong support for all these requirements and there are now many outstanding examples of world-class settings for competency and performance-based curricula that make sound use of these technologies. The integration of information and communication technologies can help revitalize teachers and students. The usage of ICT is to complement the classical teaching techniques, particularly in difficult subject areas. To achieve these objectives, teachers need to be involved in the preparation of online teaching resources, multimedia presentation and developing online video lectures. Teachers share meaningful and engaging learning experiences for the students, strategically using ICT. ICT enables students to enjoy enquiry based innovative learning techniques.



The ICT enabled system in Dr. Meghnad Saha College has the following dimensions:


  • Academic Activities


E-Classroom– The college has developed an E-Classroom where each of the departmenthas created its departmental web-portal through which the teachers are providing learning material, online MCQ practice sets, lesson plans, course outcomes and various other helpful links.
E-Classroom – the online learning portal



ICT Enabled Room – All the Departments/Honours classrooms in the college are ICT enabled with laptops, projectors and whiteboards. The teachers provideworld-class teaching using ICT i.e.PowerPoint presentations, film shows and other learning materials.


The College Website– The college has its institutional official website designed for every academic support to the students. The website not only highlights the achievements of the college in the academic arena but it also enables the students to have easy access to various information and necessary links.


College’s Official Website



College’s Official Android App



Interactive Notice Board– The college has installed an Interactive Notice Board which gives the students access to the college notices through the digital notice system. As and when required, a student can easily recheck the information. It is one of the steps exercised by the college to practice paperless office.It is now observed that most of the students have already become habituated in this system. Earlier it was found that many students used to gather in front of the office of the college premises to get and verify the information which the college intended to communicate to the students. Further many incidents were witnessed in which students suffered due to miscommunication. Now the number of such incidents has come down.


Webinars– When the pandemic forced the education system to a standstill, Dr. Meghnad Saha College attempted to engage the students by organizing a series of webinars during the pandemic period. These webinars have become successful in giving the students exposure to the greater academic world by arranging lectures and dialogues by eminent speakers. It also created the academic platform for the students, scholars and teachers to represent their research.

Webinar Registration and Certification Portal



YouTube Channel– Dr. Meghnad Saha College has its own YouTube Channel. Various college programmes and webinars are uploaded in the Channel for better access among students and interested audience.
College’s official YouTube Channel



Other Online Academic Activities-

Continuous Internal Examination and Tutorial Examinations (CBCS Syllabus) are conducted through online MCQ.Students and other stakeholders can give online feedback regarding the institution using thelink provided on the website.

NLIST System –
To keep the education system updated the college authority has subscribed membership of "National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST)" to help the teachers and students with famous and reputed journals and other academic resources.

N-LISTSubscribed E-Resources link




Online Dataset Access –
For research and core theoretical analysis, the teachers and students need handy and reliable resources for data collection. For this necessity, the college authority has subscribed membership of “EPWRF India Times Series (EPWRFITS)”. The EPWRF India Times Series (EPWRFITS), an interactive online database launched in January 2011, is an initiative taken by the EPW Research Foundation (EPWRF) with an aim to provide credible time series data facilitating research across various sectors of Indian Economy. Perceiving the indispensable role of and need for authentic-time series data in socio-economic research and analysis, the EPW Research Foundation has built the EPWRF India Time Series based on the core values – ACCURACY, TIMELINESS and COMPLETENESS.

EPWRF India Times Series (EPWRFITS) Web_Link



Administrative purpose
The college website bears a separate section for dynamic notice and tenders for bringing transparency in the administrative system. All the online payment related transactions are done by the students through the secure end to end encrypted gateway using their unique student ID.

College’s Official Website


Evidence of Success
The self-developed E-Classroom has been helping the students with the online resource of study materials. This digital interaction in the virtual medium is helping the students even beyond campus.
Online mode of examination in MCQ or Multiple Choice based Questions has also become a success among teachers and students. It has resulted in the fast publication of results. Besides this, the system of evaluation also helps the students to adapt to the online contemporary mode of competitive examinations based on MCQ.  All transactions regarding payment of admission fee, university form fill up fees have been successfully initiated through online mode. Cashless mode of payment has made the entire process hassle-free so that any student can make the payment from anywhere and anytime. It contributes to the transparency of financial transactions. It also supports the Digital India campaign launched by Government of India.Students can give their feedbacks regarding academic activities through online feedback forms. The online system enables the college authorities to have quick access to the students’ feedback reports and prompt actions are taken in response.


Online Feedback Portal



The ICT enabled teaching-learning system has become a huge necessity during the COVID 19 pandemic. As the pandemic forced the educational institutions to close down; online teaching has become the only mode to continue the education of the students. Besides online classes through Google Meet, WhatsApp groups are created for every batch of students to keep easy communication among the teachers and the students. It has been quite successful amidst this pandemic.

The Number of Teaching-Learning Materials

Serial No.













Sound System (Seminar Hall)



Loud Speaker (Seminar Hall)



Printers (Black & White)



Printers (Colour)


