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Dr. Meghnad Saha College
NAAC Accredited with 'B' (CGPA 2.42)
Affiliated to Gour Banga University

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IQAC Meetings

Meeting no. 01                                                                                        Date: 09/12/2014

The first meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 09/12/2014 at 2.00 PM in the Chamber of the Principal.

The following members were present in the meeting:

  1. Dr Swapna Mukherjee, Principal, Dr.MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr IrienShabnam, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  4. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  5. AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC

The Principal, Dr Swapna Mukherjee, took the Chair and preside over the meeting to discuss the following Agendum: Agenda-1: Formation of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College as per the resolution of the Administrator of the College held on 02/12/2014. The Principal enlightened the members with the fact that as per the IX Plan Guideline of the University Grants Commission (UGC), every college requires a committee namely Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) to assure the internal quality of the institution. The Principal also informed that the Administrator of the College has been pleased to constitute the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the College with the members present today including the Senior-most teacher Dr. Md. EnarulHoque, Asstt Professor of Sociology who could not be available in this meeting as he is on leave-on-duty for his participation in the Refresher Course at ASC, University of Burdwan. The Principal conveyed that Dr. Krishna Guha ( Associate Professor of Sociology, MaldaWomens’ College) and Dr.Achinta Kr. Banerjee ( Assistant Professor of Bengali, Dewan Abdul Gani College, Harirampur, DakshinDinajpur) have been included as two external members of the IQAC, who have already been requested to extend their consent as member of this meeting, but could not attend the same. Resolved to request D.IrienShabnam, convenor/Coordinator of IQAC, to chalk out the initiatives of this Cell in consultation with the Principal and to discuss in the next meeting. As there was no other item to discuss, the Meeting ended with a vote of thanks to and from the chair.


Sd/ Dr.IrienShabnam Convenor/Coordinator,IQACSd/Dr.Swapna Mukherjee Principal & President, IQAC


Meeting no. 02                                                                                                                       Date:22/01/2015


The second meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 22/01/2015 at 11 AM in the Chamber of the Principal’

The following members were present in the meeting:

  1. Dr Swapna Mukherjee, Principal, Dr.MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr IrienShabnam, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Dr MdEnarulHoque, Asstt. Prof of Sociology of the College
  4. Dr Bela Das, Asstt Prof of Geography of the College & Member, IQAC
  5. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt Prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC


The Principal, Dr Swapna Mukherjee, took the Chair and preside over the meeting to discuss the following Agenda:



Agenda-1: No consent letters comes fromDr. Krishna Guha andDr.Achinta Kr. Banerjee.


Resolved that due to non- availability of intend letter fromDr. Krishna Guha and Dr.Achinta Kr.Banejee another two external members are to be included in our IQAC. It has decided after a long discussion.


Agenda-II: Common Certificates for Learning Modules:


Resolved that the ICT, Personality development, invigilation, evaluation, internal, continuous assessment, examination coordination cell, flying squad, community work, academia, development, library, student welfare,and counselling, Sports certificate will be provided for all CAS eligible teachers. As there is no other discussion the meeting ends with thanks to the chair.



Sd/ Dr.IrienShabnamSd/ Dr.Swapna Mukherjee

Convenor/Coordinator, IQAC                                                                                  Principal & President, IQAC

Meeting no. 03                                                                                                    Date: 12/03/2015


The third meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 12/03/2015 at 2.00 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:


  1. Dr MdEnarulHoque, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr IrienShabnam, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Dr Bela Das, Asstt Prof of Geography of the College & Member, IQAC
  4. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  5. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC

The Teacher-in-Charge Dr. Md. EnarulHoque, took the chair and preside over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:

Agenda-I:Requests for filling up DPI ( Govt. of West Bengal) approved teaching posts of Physics and Mathematics and one Librarian post.

IQAC, Co-ordinator informs to the house that there are two posts of teaching and one librarian post have been created by the Govt. of West Bengal and requested to the Teacher-in-Charge for processing to fill up the posts, all members unanimously supported the move.


Agenda-II: Regarding IQAC external members.


Coordinator, IQAC inform to members that as the external members are not yet provided their intend letter for which we assumed that they are not interested and at this juncture we have to opt another two external members in our IQAC. In this regard Teacher-in-Charge informed that he has communicated to the GourBangaUniversity and expected two names of the external members will come soon.


Agenda-III: On-line admission of B.A/B.Sc, Part-I & II (Hon’s & Gen):

Teacher-in-Charge informed to the house that from the forthcoming session 2015-2016 both form fill up and admission will be started and in this regard a software company (Skill Hut) has already been selected for this purpose. Members unanimously accepted the matter.


Misc.As there is no other discussion, meeting ends with thanks from the chair.


Sd/ Dr.IrienShabnamSd/Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

Coordinator, IQAC                                                                                                Teacher-in-Charge & President, IQAC

Meeting no. 04                                                                                                                                Date: 15.07.2015


The fourth meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 15/07/2015 at 2.30 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge

The following members were present in the meeting:

  1. Dr MdEnarulHoque, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr IrienShabnam, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Dr Bela Das, Asstt Prof of Geography of the College & Member, IQAC
  4. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  5. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC

The Teacher-in-Charge Dr. Md. EnarulHoque, took the chair and preside over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:


Agenda-I:  Requests for process of inclusion ‘Arabic’ subject as a general course:


IQAC, Co-ordinator informs to the members that Arabic subject is lucrative in School Service Commission for which it would be vulnerable to introduce as a general subject in our College and requested TIC for process of inclusion.

Agenda-II: Requests for Diesel Generator Set:

Teacher-in-Charge informs to the members that for on-line admission process an uninterrupted power supply is required and in this regard a Diesel Generator Set is extremely needed, members of the house pleased to materialize the same.

Agenda-III: Change of RBU, Co-ordinator:

Teacher-in-Charge informed to the house that Hon’ble Administrator has consented to change the RabindraBharati University Center Co-ordinator. The RBU present Co-ordinator will hand over the charge to Teacher-in-Charge of the College.


Agenda-IV:  Inclusion of IQAC external members:


Coordinator, IQAC inform to members that till today UGB did not send the name of external members of IQAC, in this regard TIC is requested to take the initiatives. Teacher-in- Charge informed to the house that our Hon’ble Administrator, Dr.Ashoke Das, Associate Prof. of Mathematics, Raiganj University has consented to be an external member of our IQAC, all members gladly accepted the move.




Misc  As there is no other discussion meeting ends with thanks to the chair.


Sd/ Dr.IrienShabnamSd/Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

Coordinator, IQAC                                                                                                Teacher-in-Charge & President, IQAC

Meeting no. 05                                                                                                                  Date: 06.10.2015


The fifth meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 06/10/2015 at 2.00 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:


  1. Dr MdEnarulHoque, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr IrienShabnam, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Dr Ashoke Das, Associate Prof of Mathematics,Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  4. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  5. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Dr.AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC

The Teacher –in-Charge, Dr. Md. EnarulHoque, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:

Agenda-I: Promotion under CAS of six teachers:

The members of the IQAC unanimously resolved that six teachers are required under CAS namely (a) Dr. Md. EnarulHoque, (b)Dr.IrienShabnam, (c) Dr.Bela Das, (d) Sri SukumarBarai, from stage II to III, and (e) Sri Ghanashyam Roy (f)Dr.Senjuti De from stage I to II. Members requested IQAC, Co-ordinator to take necessary steps for their API/PBAS submission and Teacher-in-Charge also requested the incumbents to submit their paper as early as possible.

Agenda-II: Requests for the appointment of Bursar.

Teacher-in-Charge of the College informed to the members that a post of Bursar is to be needed due to increase of financial transactions of the college, members unanimously supported the motion.

Agenda-III: Initiation for recognition U/S  2(f):

IQAC, Coordinator informed that for NAAC accreditation UGC U/S 2(f) initial recognition is required for which all members unanimously resolved and requested TIC to process the same.


Meeting ends with thanks.




Sd/ Dr.IrienShabnamSd/Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

Coordinator, IQAC                                                                                                Teacher-in-Charge & President, IQAC                                                                                     

IQAC, Meeting no. 06Date: 03. 12. 2015

The sixth meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 03/12/2015 at 2.30 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:


  1. Dr MdEnarulHoque, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr IrienShabnam, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Dr. Bela Das, Asstt. Prof of Geography of the College & member, IQAC
  4. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  5. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Dr.AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC

The Teacher –in-Charge, Dr. Md. EnarulHoque, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:

Agenda-I:  Requests for creation of teaching and non-teaching post:


IQAC coordinator informed to house that at this moment college meets a crunch of teaching and non-teaching staff. There are some subjectswhich have no permanent teacher and official works are become huge as well. So the requirement of teaching and non-teaching staffs has to be fulfilled as early as possible and TIC is requested to do the needful.

Agenda-II:  Requests for formation of Purchase Committee and Construction Committee:


IQAC, Coordinator informed to the house that for smooth conducting of day to day work of the college as well a purchase committee and construction committee is required, all members requested to Teacher-in-Charge for the same.

Agenda-III: Requests for bill desk (gateway) through e-collection:


Teacher-in-Charge informed to the members that the on-line admission process in academic session 2014-15 has to some extend hampered due to Bank’s non-cooperation. So from the next academic session 2015-16 we want hazard free e-collection and to materialize the same. IQAC, Co-ordinator informed that bill desk from State Bank of India is the best, in this regard TIC informed to the house that it is possible.

Meeting ends with thanks.


Sd/ Dr MdEnarulHoque

Teacher- in-Charge and President, IQAC


Sd/   Dr IrienShabnam

Co-ordinator, IQAC

 IQAC, Meeting no. 07                                                                                                      Date: 17.03.2016

The seventh meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 17/03/2016 at 1.45 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:


  1. Dr MdEnarulHoque, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr IrienShabnam, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Dr Ashoke Das, Associate Prof of Mathematics, Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  4. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  5. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Dr.AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC

The Teacher –in-Charge, Dr. Md. EnarulHoque, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:


Agenda-I:Requests for confirmation of service of Mr. Darin Sarkar and JoyGopalBiswas (Asstt. Prof. of Sanskrit and Pol-Science):


IQAC coordinator informed to the members that Mr. Darin Sarkar.

Agenda-II:Requests for confirmation of service of Darin Sarkar and JoygopalBiswas, Asstt Prof Dept of Sanskrit and Pol-Science.


Coordinator inform to the members that the joining of Darin Sarkar, Asstt. Prof Dept of Sanskrit andSri JoygopalBiswas, Asstt Prof of Political Science have completed satisfactorily two years of their service at this juncture for their service confirmation all members requested to Teacher-in-Charge to do the needful.


Agenda-III: Requests for recruitment of guest- librarian:


Co-ordinator informed to the house that the student of different parts/ years are gathering in library for books, members requested to the Teacher-in-Charge to sort out the students demand a librarian is to recruited.

Agenda-III: Construction of boundary wall:

Teacher-in-Charge highlighted the necessity of college boundary wall with the fact that the college security matter is concern, all members, unanimously decided to construct and renovate the college boundary wall.

Agenda-IV: Regarding student attendance:

Teacher-in-Charge informed to the members that as per university norms a student should have 75% attendance in the college otherwise a student would be non-collegiate. He also highlighted the need for attendance of a student in the college. In this regard all teacher will be well enough to convince the student. IQAC, Co-ordinator proposed that in the college some sticker would be displayed in the necessity of the student attendance.


As there is no other discussion meeting ends with thanks.


Sd/ Dr.IrienShabnamSd/Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

Coordinator, IQAC                                                                                                Teacher-in-Charge & President, IQAC

IQAC, Meeting no. 08Date:10.08.2016


The eighth meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 10/08/2016 at 2.30 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:


  1. Dr MdEnarulHoque, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr IrienShabnam, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Prof SubrataSaha, Associate Prof.Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  4. Dr.Bela Das, Asstt Prof of Geography of the College & Member, IQAC
  5. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC


The Teacher -in-Charge, Dr. Md. EnarulHoque, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:

Agenda-I: Promotion under CAS of three teachers.


Teacher-in-Charge informed to the members that there are three teacher Dr. AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof Dept of Physical Education, Dr AnantaPatra, Asstt Prof Dept of Mathematics and Sri Mukunda Mishra, AssttProf  Dept of Geography required promotion under CAS from stage 1 to 2. IQAC, Co-ordinator informed to the house that the above incumbents have already been submitted their API/PBAS with other relevant documents, so TIC is requested to process the official dealings pertaining to promotion.


Agenda-II: Requests for creation of new posts viz, Accountant, Computer operator, Mali and Sweeper.


IQAC, Coordinator informed to the members that the activities of the college has been broadened as well as student strength increased rapidly for which the post of Accountant, Computer operator, Mali and Sweeper are to be created and Teacher-in-Charge is requested to do the needful in this regard.

Agenda-III: IQAC external members:

Teacher-in-Charge informed in the house that in lieu of Dr Ashoke Das the present Administrator Prof SubrataSaha, Associate Prof Dept of Economics, Raiganj University will be one of the external member. Co-ordinator also informs that Dr Sukuntala Gupta, Associate Prof Dept of Physics, Raiganj University will be the second external member from now.

Agenda-IV: Requests for Eye Camp and Yoga meditation Camp:

Resolved that the NSS units of our College will organise Eye Camp for the student and in this regard TIC has already directed NSS Programme Coordinator to do the needful. Also resolved that Physical Education department will organize Yoga meditation Camp.

As there is no other discussion meeting ends with a vote of thanks to and from the chair.


Sd/ Dr.IrienShabnamSd/ Dr.Md. EnarulHoque

Coordinator, IQAC                                                                                                Teacher-in-Charge & President, IQAC  

IQAC, Meeting no.09.Date: 15.09.2016



The ninth meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 15/09/2016 at 2.00 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:


  1. Dr IrienShabnam, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr Md. EnarulHoque, Asstt Prof of Sociology of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Prof SubrataSaha, Associate Prof. Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  4. Prof Sukuntala Gupta, Associate Prof, Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  5. Dr. Bela Das, Asstt Prof of Geography of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  8. Dr.AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  9. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC


The Teacher –in-Charge, Dr IrienShabnam,, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:

Agenda-I:  Change of TIC as well as IQAC Co-ordinator:


Teacher-in-Charge informed to the house that she has assumed the office of the TIC of the college for which from today the senior most teacher Dr.MdEnarulHoque, Asstt. Prof Dept of Sociology will be the next IQAC, Co-ordinator.It is resolved to request Dr. Hoque, Co-ordinator, IQAC, to chalk out the initiatives of this cell in consultation with Teacher-in-Charge.

Agenda-II: Issuance of appointment letter to the existing Guest Teachers of different subject:

Teacher-in-Charge informed to the house that the Guest Teachers of different subject are working but their motivation of duty are some where lacking at this juncture members requested TIC to supply them appointment letters.

Agenda-III:Inclusion of ‘Arabic’ as a general course in B.A:

Teacher-in-Charge informed to the house that a sanction letter has come from the Council of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal for inclusion of Arabic as a course of study, in this regard all members becomes pleased.

Agenda-IV: Requests for White Board in all Class-Room:

IQAC, Co-ordinator informed to the members that most of the class-rooms black-board are cementing which are not functioning properly for which TIC is requested to make arrangement of white board in each and every class-room. As there is no other discussion, the meeting ends with vote of thanks.



Sd/    Dr. IrienShabnam

Teacher-in-Charge/ President IQAC

Sd/ Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

Convenor/ Coordinator, IQAC

IQAC, Meeting no.10Date: 21.12.2016


The meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College held on 21/12/2016 at 2.30 Pm in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.

The following members were present in the meeting:

  1. Dr IrienShabnam, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr MdEnarulHoque, Asstt Prof of Sociology of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Prof SubrataSaha, Associate Prof. Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  4. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  5. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Dr.AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC

The Teacher –in-Charge, Dr. IrienShabnam, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:

Agenda-I: Requests for repair and renovation of Library building and Chemistry laboratory:

IQAC, Coordinator informed to the members that at present library building structure is insufficient for supplying book and reading Room for the student. Teacher-in-Charge initiated the move and discussed the need of infra-structural development of college library. He also discussed the necessity of renovation of Chemistry laboratory. All members appreciate the move and requested the TIC to take necessary steps for improvement of the same.

Agenda-II: Requests for Asstt. Prof in English due to resignation of Hariom Singh:

Teacher-in-Charge informed to the house that Dr. Hariom Singh Asstt. Prof. of English has resigned from his post and initiated to fill up the post and for the time being a new guest teacher be recruited as early as possible.


Agenda-III:U/S 2(f) receivedfrom UGC and required for UGC, U/S 12(B):


Teacher-in-Charge informed to the members that the university Grants Commission has recognized our college after offering initial affiliation of u/s (f) from May, 2016. Now our college needs permanent affiliation from University of GourBanga by which we can apply for U/S 12(B). Members become very happy and thanks to the previous TIC for his heartfelt effort to achieve the initial recognition. IQAC, coordinator remembers that this is not enough; we have to achieve U/S 12(B). As there was no other agenda to discuss the meeting ends with thanks.




                                                                                                                                              Teacher-in-Charge/ President IQAC

Sd/ Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

 Coordinator IQAC

IQAC, Meeting no. 11.Date:02.01.2017


The eleventh meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 02/01/2017 at 2.00 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:

  1. Dr IrienShabnam, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr MdEnarulHoque, Asstt Prof of Sociology of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Prof SubrataSaha, Associate Prof. Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  4. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  5. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Dr.AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC


The Teacher –in-Charge, Dr.IrienShabnam, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:

Agenda-I:Requests for teacher from WBCSC for the post of English:

The-in-Charge informed that due to shortage of English teacher, the English department suffers more than the other department. All members requested TIC for sending requisition to the WBCSC for the post.

Agenda-II: Requests for formation of sub-committees.

IQAC Coordinator inform to the house that the different works for the college are to be started for which different committees such as purchase committee, construction committee are be formed and in this regard TIC is to requested to initiate the matter.

Agenda-III: Requests for Grant incentives for Ph.D / M.Phil  under G.O 986-Edn/2016

Members requested to TIC to materialize the G.O and under such GO incumbents should submit their relevant papers for which TIC can move and avail the same. As there was no other item to discuss, the meeting ends with a vote of thanks.



Sd/ Dr.IrienShabnam

Teacher-in-Charge/ President IQAC

Sd/ Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

Coordinator IQAC


IQAC.Meeting no 12                                                                                                            Date: 23.03.2017



The twelfth meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 23/03/2017 at 1.30 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:


  1. Dr IrienShabnam, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr MdEnarulHoque, Asstt Prof of Sociology of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Prof SubrataSaha, Associate Prof. Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  4. Dr. Sukuntala Gupta, Associate Prof Raiganj University& External Member, IQAC
  5. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Dr.AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC

The Teacher –in-Charge, Dr. IrienShabnam, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:


Agenda-I: Requests for construction of Science Block:

IQAC, Co-ordinator informed to the house that the present Science Block is not sufficient as the pressure of science student are going rise at this juncture to meet the available space for all the student properly, it needs separate building for proper teaching-learning situation, all members accepted the move and requested TIC to materialize the same.

Agenda-II: Requests for opening of new subjects:

Members resolved that there are new subject are to be introduced in our college e.g. Computer Application, Honours Course in Philosophy and Physical Education.

Agenda-III:  Promotion under CAS of three teachers:

The Teacher-in-Charge informed to the house that those who have submitted CAS papers from stage 2 to 3, Hon’ble DPI approved the same, now they can apply for the stage 3 to 4. In this regard IQAC, Co-ordinator informed to the members that the three teachers Dr. Md. EnarulHoque, Dr IrienShabnam and Dr Bela Das have already submitted their API/PBAS for the stage 3 to 4. Therefore TIC is requested to process the same.

Agenda-IV: Requests for financial Grants from Govt:

The Teacher-in-Charge informed to the house that for the Govt. aided college Government has decided to contribute some grants, members requested TIC to apply for the grants.

As there were no other agenda to discuss, meeting ends with vote of thanks.



                                                                                                                                              Teacher-in-Charge/ President IQAC

Sd/ Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

Coordinator IQAC

IQAC, Meeting no. 13Date:31.08.2017


The thirteen meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 31/08/2017 at 2.00 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:

  1. Dr Bela Das, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr Md. EnarulHoque, Associate Prof Sociology of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Dr, IrienShabnam, Associate Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  4. Prof SubrataSaha, Associate Prof. Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  5. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. Dr.AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  8. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC


The Teacher –in-Charge, Dr. Bela Das, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:


Agenda-I: welcome to new TIC:

IQAC Co-ordinator informed to the house that Dr.IrienShabnam has completed her term simultaneously college authority handed over the charge of the college to Dr.Bela Das as TIC, all members welcome her.

          Agenda-II: Requests for Boy’s and Girls’ common room and Cycle stand:

Resolved that a boys’ and girls’ common room with a cycle stand would be constructed as requested by IQAC members.

Agenda-III: Requests for installation of pure drinking water facilities both for the staffs and students of the college:

Resolved that due to urgent need for purified drinking water facilities in the college; it would be installed on an emergency basis.

Agenda-IV: Initiative for UGC permanent affiliation u/s (12B):

Teacher-in-Charge informed to the members that for u/s (12B), first of all we need permanent affiliation fromGourBanga University and in this regard a process has been started, all members supported the move and requested TIC to do the needful for permanent affiliation.

Agenda-V: Requests for formation of different committees:

IQAC Coordinator informs to the members that there are various committees to formed e.g. Internal Complaint Committee, Student Grievance Cell, Anti-ragging, Women Cell, Appellate Authority, and Public Information Officer. Resolved that all the bodies had formed as per resolution of the Hon’ble Administrator of the college held on 20th June, 2017. Teacher-in-Charge conveyed that DPI, Govt. of West Bengal in an order instructed us to form more committees such as Nodal Officer of SC/ ST/OBC/ Minority/ Vivekananda Merit cum Means scholarship and Kanyashree, members approved all the committees. Also resolved that for smooth conduction of college day to day developmental work, formation of different academic and administrative such as Finance committee, purchase committee. As there was no other item to discuss, the meeting ended with a vote of thanks to and from the chair.





Sd/Dr.Bela Das

                                                                                                                                              Teacher-in-Charge/ President, IQAC

Sd/ Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

 Coordinator, IQAC

IQAC, Meeting no. 14.                                                                                   Date: 16.12.2017


The fourteenth meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 16/12/2017 at 2.00 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:

  1. Dr Bela Das, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr Md. EnarulHoque, Associate Prof Sociology of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Dr, IrienShabnam, Associate Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  4. Prof SubrataSaha, Associate Prof. Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  5. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. Dr.AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  8. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC


The Teacher –in-Charge, Dr. Bela Das, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:



Agenda-I:Requests for the post of Vice-Principal:


Teacher-in-Charge informed to the house that due to pressure of administrative and academic activities we should have to create new post for Vice-Principal for our college, members unanimously supported the matter and requested TIC to do the needful for the post.


Agenda-II: Requests for creation of new posts both for TS and NTS:


IQAC, Coordinator informed to the members that the student’senrolment is rising year by year for which present NTS are not sufficient to work out the day to day duties, we requested to do the needful. Teacher-in-Charge informed that so far as the student enrolment is concerned we need more teaching posts in different subjects and members requested the TIC to process for teaching posts.


Sd/Dr.Bela Das

                                                                                                                                              Teacher-in-Charge/ President ,IQAC

Sd/ Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

Coordinator, IQAC

IQAC,Meeting no. 15.                                                                                            Date: 11.01.2018


The fifteenth meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 06/01/2018 at 2.30 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:


  1. Dr Bela Das, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr Md. EnarulHoque, Associate Prof Sociology of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Dr, IrienShabnam, Associate Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  4. Prof SubrataSaha, Associate Prof. Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  5. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. Dr.AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  8. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC

The Teacher -in-Charge, Dr. Bela Das, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the following agenda:

Agenda-I: Arrangement for Special Lecture / Workshop in all subjects:

The Teacher-in-Charge conveyed to the members that Hon’ble Administrator of the college has agreed and advised to the teachers to organize special lecture/workshop in all subjects and requested IQAC, Co-ordinator to prepare a course of action in this regard, members unanimously accepted the motion.

Agenda-II:  Requests of recruitment of Guests teachers and Security Guards for academic and security purposes.


IQAC, Coordinator informed to the members that some of the department have lack of teachers, classes are hampered. Members requested TIC to recruit some guest teachers so that classes can be shorted out. Teacher-in-Charge informed that so far as the college security is concerned, mandatorily that should be recruited on an urgent basis. T meeting ended with a vote of thanks to and from the chair.


Sd/Dr.Bela Das

                                                                                                                                              Teacher-in-Charge/ President ,IQAC

Sd/ Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

 Coordinator, IQAC

IQAC, Meeting no.16.                                                                               Date: 07.04.2018


The sixteenth meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr. MeghnadSaha College was held on 07/04/2018 at 1.45 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:


  1. Dr Bela Das, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr Md. EnarulHoque, Associate Prof Sociology of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Dr, IrienShabnam, Associate Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  4. Prof SubrataSaha, Associate Prof. Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  5. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. Dr. AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC

The Teacher –in-Charge, Dr. Bela Das, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the

Following agenda:

Agenda-I:  Status of CAS under promotion:

Teacher-in-Charge conveyed to the members that the teachers who had submitted their CAS papers, DPI, Govt. of West Bengal have approved and now they became Associate Professor.


Agenda-II: Requests for up gradation of Seminar Hall with all modern facilities:

Teacher-in-Charge informed to the members that our Administrator have decided to upgrade the seminar Hall with all modern facilities, members extended their support and pleased.

As there were no other item to discuss, the meeting ended with a vote of thanks to and from the chair.




Sd/Dr.Bela Das

Teacher-in-Charge/ President IQAC

Sd/Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

Coordinator IQAC

IQAC, Meeting no. 17.                                                                                                         Date: 25. 07. 2018


The seventeenth meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr.MeghnadSaha College was held on 02/07/2018 at 2.00 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:


  1. Dr Bela Das, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr Md. EnarulHoque, Associate Prof Sociology of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Dr, IrienShabnam, Associate Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  4. Prof SubrataSaha, Associate Prof. Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  5. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. Dr.AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  8. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC


The Teacher –in-Charge, Dr. Bela Das, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the

following agenda:



Agenda-I: Request forInstallation of Solar Power Plant in the College premises:


Teacher-in-Charge highlighted the members with the fact that as part of Green plant a solar power plant requires in our college, in this regard we should have to send a proposal to the Govt of West Bengal. Resolved that the solar power plant installation be materialize on an urgent basis.


Agenda-II:Promotion under CAS of Sri SukumarBarai from stage 3 to 4:


IQAC, Co-ordinator informed to the members thatSriSukumarBarai, Asstt Prof of History has submitted his API/PBAS for his promotion under CAS. Members requested to the Co-ordinator after checking and verifying the send the same to the TIC forofficial process.


Agenda-III. UGC Regulations for the maintenance of Higher Education, 2018:


IQAC, Co-ordinator informed to the members that the UGC has published a regulation for themaintenance of Higher Education for the minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in Universities and Colleges, and in this regard the teachers’ assessment system has been changed. Therefore, it is resolved that all the teachers are requested to be followed the UGC, Regulation, 2018 after publication of consequent Regulations from the DPI, Govt. of West Bengal. Teacher-in-Charge requested IQAC Coordinator to inform the entire teacher regarding this new regulation.



Misc. As there is no discussion meeting ends with thanks.



Sd/ Dr.Bela Das

Teacher-in-Charge/ President IQAC

Sd/ Dr. Md. EnarulHoque


IQAC, Meeting no. 18.                                                                                         Date: 06. 12. 2018


The eighteenth meeting is an emergency of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr. MeghnadSaha College was held on 26/07/2018 at 1.30 PM in the Chamber of the Teacher-in-Charge.


The following members were present in the meeting:


  1. Dr Bela Das, Teacher-in-Charge, Dr MeghnadSaha College & President, IQAC of the College
  2. Dr Md. EnarulHoque, Associate Prof of Sociology of the College & Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Dr, IrienShabnam, Associate Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  4. Prof SubrataSaha, Associate Prof. Raiganj University, External Member, IQAC
  5. Sri SukumarBarai, Asstt Prof of History of the College & Member, IQAC
  6. Sri Ghanashyam Roy, Asstt Prof of Bengali of the College & Member, IQAC
  7. Dr. AlauddinShaikh, Asstt Prof of Physical Education of the College & Member, IQAC
  8. MdIqbalManirul Islam, Head Clerk of the College & Member, IQAC


The Teacher –in-Charge, Dr. Bela Das, took the Chair and presides over the meeting to discuss the

Following agendum:

Agenda-I: Selection of Village for social extension services:

Resolved that three member selection committee consisting of IQAC Co-ordinator, Dr IrienShabnamand Sri SukumarBarai chalk out  the selection process of a village for social extension services. It has also decided that the three member committee decision would be final one for selection of village.

Agenda-II. Formation of Criteria-wise SSR drafting sub-committee:

Teacher-in-Charge highlighted the members with the fact that the DPI, Govt. of West Bengal on 29th November, 2018 in a meeting with IQAC, Coordinator and TIC has been decided that every College has to submit the SSR in on-line for NAAC accreditation. Therefore, it is better to distribute the criteria-wise sub-committee for smothdrafting  of the SSR.

  1. Curricular Aspects: Convenor- Sri SukumarBarai, Members-a) Dr EnarulHoque b) Anjan Some c) RuksanaYeasmin d) MangalSaha ) SamayonHembram.
  2. Teaching learning: Convenor- Dr Bela Das, Members-a) Raju Singh b) GopalSen c) sarbaniGiri Mukherjee d) DelearaKhatun e) JafarSadek.
  3. Research, Innovations & Extension: Convenor- Dr IrienShabnam, Members-a) BibhasMandal b) ChandraniBanikHaldar c) Sudeb Roy d) SubhasGhosh e) ShyamPahan.
  4. Infra-structure and Learning resources: Convenor- Dr AlauddinShaikh, Members-a) Piali Roy b) Md Yusuf Azim, c) Nibedita Roy, d) PallabBasak e) ParthaKarmakar.
  5. Student support and progression: Convenor- Ghanashyam Roy, Members-a) AnanyaRoychoudhury b) ProsenjitChoudhury c) Pratima Barman d) SutapaGhosh e) JaminiKantaSarkar
  6. Governance, leadership and management: Convenor-JoygopalBiswas, Members-a) Darin Sarkar b) Aftabuddin Ahmed c) Md Kamal Hossain d) MdManirul Islam e) MurshedAlam f) FirojAlam g) Sushil Roy h) SukhenSarkar
  7. Institutional values and best practices: Convenor-Dr Senjuti De, Members-a) Dr Mukunda Mishra b) GoutamSarkar c) NabdeepChouhan d) GolamRabiulAlam e) BikashChakraborty f) SundarSarkar g) BimalaSarkar.

Also decided that the overall drafting of SSR will be supervised by the IQAC, Coordinator.The  first SSR draft   report will be placed within 15th January, 2019.


Sd/ Dr.Bela Das

Teacher-in-Charge/ President IQAC

Sd/ Dr. Md. EnarulHoque

Coordinator IQAC