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Dr. Meghnad Saha College
NAAC Accredited with 'B' (CGPA 2.42)
Affiliated to Gour Banga University

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Code of Conduct & Code of Ethics

[The service conditions of all Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff and enrolment of all Students in Dr. Meghnad Saha College is governed by the rules framed and updated in time to time by the University Grants Commission; Government of West Bengal; University of Gour Banga and the Governing Body of the College]


  1. Teachers
    • Responsibility and Accountability
      • Teachers should perform their duties related to the subjects assigned by the Head of the Department decided in departmental meeting with consent of the assignees.
      • Teachers will remain responsible to complete the syllabus in time. Teachers shall be accountable for good results of the students in the subjects taught by respective teachers.
      • Implementation of Tutor – Ward system must be revisited from time to time. Teachers shall monitor the respective group of students attached to them.
      • Class Tests are to be conducted at regular interval. Evaluated answer books are to be shown to the students. Marks for the assignments, Class Tests, Seminars attended are to be recorded.
      • Teachers should act as good counsellors and Facilitators providing guidance, assistance, and encouragement to the students to ensure effective and successful Teaching-Learning process.
      • Teachers should carry out other academic, co-curricular and organizational activities assigned to them by the college authority.
    • Punctuality and Attendance
      • Teachers must report in time to duty as per the working hours prescribed and should be available in the campus unless and otherwise they are assigned duties elsewhere.
      • Prior written permission should be obtained for reporting late in the morning or leaving early in the evening without detriment to their duties. This is subject to restrictions as regards frequency.
      • Teachers should sign the attendance register while reporting for duty.
      • Teachers must be aware that their workload is 40 hours a week even though their maximum class hours are only 16 hours.
    • Leave Rules
      • All kinds of leave entitled by the teachers of the college will be granted in compliance to the leave rules applicable for govt.-aided colleges of West Bengal.


  1. Non-Teaching Staff
    • Non-Teaching staff working in the College office or departments should remain on Duty during College hours (10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). They should report for duty at least 10 minutes in advance (9:50 a.m.)
    • Non-Teaching Staff assigned to Laboratories should keep the Labs clean.
    • Any Loss or damage to any article in the Lab or Class Room should be reported to the HOD in writing immediately.
    • Non-Teaching Staff, working in the Lab, shall maintain a stock register for all the articles, equipment, chemicals, etc. It shall be submitted to the HOD and the Principal at the end of each semester and their signatures obtained.
    • For articles damaged by the students a separate register should be maintained and if any money is collected from the student towards damages, as per the direction of the HOD, the amount shall be handed over to the College Accounts Staff, for deposit in the College account.
    • Non-teaching staff will carry out their duties as instructed by the authorities to whom they are attached.
    • Non-Teaching staff shall not leave the College premises without permission before 4.00 p.m.


  1. Students
    • Students will attend all honours & general classes in the college. At least 75% attendance in classes is mandatory for all students.
    • Students will attend all class tests and other examinations scheduled for the students and held in the college.
    • Students will not create any nuisance in classroom as well as within college campus.
    • Students will pay tuition fees as well as other kind of fees in time.
    • Students must wear college identity card during your stay within college campus.
    • Students will use college library following all kinds of library rules and regulations.
    • Students must not exercise proxy attendance in classroom.
    • Students will refrain themselves from any kind of malpractices in classroom.
    • Damaging college property is punishable offence.
    • Students should not paste any sticker or write anything on walls or building of the college.
    • Students will maintain college discipline, obey instructions of the teachers and office staff, and develop healthy relationship among classmate and junior students.
    • The campus is ragging free campus. Students will refrain themselves to from any kind of ragging and teasing activities. If reported against anyone, the Anti-ragging Cell will take action in compliance with UGC Regulations and other relevant rules.
    • Violation of above-mentioned norms may lead to disciplinary action against student.

Code of Ethics

Students seeking admission and trust of their parents are the primary reasons we exist as an institution.

The Code of Ethics of our institute consists of the following core values.

  • Integrity: All the activities should be conducted in an ethical manner. Teaching and research will be carried out in an environment of academic freedom and honesty.
  • Accountability: The roles and responsibilities are assigned and people are held accountable for their deeds. We feel our liability towards the society and our actions add values to the institute.
  • Responsibility: Everybody in the institute is expected to discharge his/her duties with due responsibility.
  • Transparency: The general records of maximum aspects of the functioning are maintained online to encourage transparency.
  • Respect of Individual: While carrying out the interactions at all levels, the dignity and respect of an individual is observed.
  • Faculty Empowerment: Institute promotes and encourages faculty in their individual academic development and provides scope for enhancement in their participation in general governance.
  • Service to Nation: Institute is committed to developing the skilled manpower to serve the Nation.
  • Environmental stewardship: The institute is committed in practicing green technologies for sustainable development of the nation.