1. Presented paper entitled " Awareness of Adults and Adolescents about advertisement: a Sociological inquiry " in the National Seminar on "Consumer Justice in Globalizing India: Challenges and Choices" held during November 19-20, 2015 at University of Kalyani, West Bengal.
2. 2.Participat in National webinar on ' Concept of Human value in Sanskrit literature and its relevance in present pandemic' organized by Department of Sanskrit, Dr. Meghnad Saha College.
3. Participated in webinar on ' Social background of Covid-19 and its social consequences' organized by Department of Sociology, Dr. Meghnad Saha College.
4. Participated in Two Day National Webinar on impact of COVID-19 on Indian Society Organized by Alumni Association, Department of Sociology,The University of Burdwan,in collaboration with Department of Sociology, "Kashipur Michael Madhusudan Mahavidyalaya”.
Participated in National webinar on ' National webinar on India- China Bilateral Relation: Major Issues' organized by Department of Political Science, Dr. Meghnad Saha College.