Department | EDUCATION |
Email | rajutech1@gmail.com |
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION | M.A in Education from University of Calcutta (2010)
Pursuing Ph.D from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) |
RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS | Ward No. 27, Bidhanpally
Opposite Lane of KFC Internationals
English Bazar, Malda 732102 |
TEACHING EXPERIENCE | From 11.01.2017 till now |
SPECIALIZATION | Educational Technology & ICT
Research Methodology and Statistics |
AREA OF RESEARCH | Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) |
AREA OF INTEREST | ICT in education |
- A Search of Different Maladjusted Behaviours of the Adolescence inside and outside of Classroom and the Causal Factors that are responsible for their Behaviours: IJRSS, ISSN: 2249-2496, Vol. 6, Issue 9, September 2016
- Teachers' Awareness about RTE Act–2009 among Upper Primary School Teachers:IJRSS, ISSN: 2249-2496 Vol. 6 Issue 10, October 2016
- Responsible factors behind Tribal Primary Education: A Study in Bamongola and Habibpur Block of Malda District, West Bengal: Ensemble, ISSN:2582-0427(Online) Vol.1 Issue 1, March 2019
- Worked as Editor of an edited book on "Inclusive Education: A Milestone in Indian Education" (অন্তভুক্তিমূলক শিক্ষাঃ ভারতীয় শিক্ষায় একটি মাইলস্টোন) in Bengali language published by "অক্ষরবিন্যাস", Katwa, Purba Burdwan, WB, India with ISBN: 978-93-94778-01-6 on May,2022
- Perception, Level of Satisfaction and Challenges faced by the Higher Education Learners of West Bengal: A Study in COVID-19 perspective: Towards Excellence, UGC, HRDC, Gujarat University, ISSN: 0974-035X, 1855-1868, Vol. 14, Issue. 2, June, 2022, https://hrdc.gujaratuniversity.ac.in/Ejournal
- Blended Learning: A study of Awareness and Readiness to pursue MOOCs among the Undergraduates of West Bengal: Education India: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education, A Peer-Reviewed Journal, ISSN 2278-2435, Vol. 12, Issue-4 November-2023. https://www.portal.educationindiajournal.org/dashboard/archive_journal/13
- Sustainability through Virtuality: Awareness and Completion of MOOCs among the Higher Education Faculties of West Bengal: Humanities and Social Science Studies, Vol. 13, Issue 1, No. 4, January –June: 2024, ISSN: 2319-829X, https://hsssjournal.com/
- Published a research based chapter "The Implementation of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in India: An Initiative Toward Quality Education for Sustainable Development" in an edited book titled "Public Policies and Sustainable Development in Post-Reform India": Regional Responses and the Way Forward published by Springer, Singapore. DOI:10.1007/978-981-99-3696-0_13
- The role of Ministry of Women and Child development towards women empowerment in India: An Analysis: Sangshodhak (A UGC CARE-I Listed Journal), Year 91, June: 2024, ISSN: 2394-5990.
- Dept. of Education of Dr. Meghnad Saha College organized a National level webinar on 15th of July, 2020 on " Remodelling Classroom: The growing relevance of digital pedagogy during pandemic"
- Presented a research paper in an international conference titled "Awareness of MOOCs among the undergraduate level students: A study of a general degree college", organized by Mar Theophilus Training College, Trivandrum, Kerala, India, on 3rd-5th March, 2022.
- Presented a paper in an international conference titled "Blended Learning: Awareness and Readiness of Undergraduates towards MOOCs: A study of a general degree college of West Bengal" organized by Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh,UP, India on 30th to 31st March, 2022.
- Attended a national level workshop on "MOOCs: Development and Delivery" organized by Netaji Subhash Open University (NSOU), Kolkata Head Quarter on 30th April,2022.
- Presented a paper in an international seminar titled "Sustainability Awareness and Environment Friendly Practices among the Undergraduates: A Study of a General Degree College of Wes Bengal." organized by University of Gour Banga,Malda, WB, India on 15th to 16th June, 2022.
- Presented a paper in an one day national seminar titled " MOOCs Awareness and Completion among the Higher Education Faculties of West Bengal" organized by Aliah University, Kolkata (Park Circus Campus)
- Prsented a paper in a three day international seminar titled "Online Education in India: MOOCs Awareness, Perception and Readiness among the Higher Education Students of West Bengal" organized by Al-Barkaat Institute of Education, aligarh, UP, India.
- Presented a paper in an one day international seminar titled "MOOCs in India: A Step Forward to the Digital Education" organized by Siliguri Govt. Teachers' Training College, Siliguri, WB, India on 28.04.2023.
- Dept. of Education organized a One Day National level Seminar in physical mode on 19th of May, 2023 on " Revolutionizing Education through ICT: Innovation, Strategies and Developments for Education in the Digital Age"
- Presented a paper in an one day National seminar titled "Shifting of Education from Conventional to Online: The Masterstroke of ICT" organized by the Dept. of Education, Dr. Meghnad Saha College, Ranipur, Itahar, Uttar Dinajpur, WB, India on 19.05.2023.
- Presented a paper in an one day State Level Seminar titled "MOOCs in India: An Introspection in the Light of NEP-2020" organized by the Dept. of Education, Nathaniyal Murmu Memorial College, Tapan, Dakshin Dinajpur, WB, India on 22.06.2023.
Pursuing PhD in Education from Indira Gandhi National Open University(IGNOU), New Delhi Campus on a title of "Studying with MOOCs: Awareness, Readiness and Completion among the higher education students and teachers of West Bengal" |
REFRESHERS & ORIENTATION COURSES | Completed 30 days 1st Faculty Induction Programme (FIP) from North Eastern Hill University (NEHU),Shillong from 10.03.2021 to 11.04.2021
Completed 14 days 1St Refresher Course (RC) from Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) from 07.02.2022 to 20.02.2022 |
- Acting as Program Officer (PO) of NSS, Unit-II of Dr. Meghnad Saha College.
- Delivered an one day invited special lecture on a topic of "Mental Health and Mental Hygiene" at Gazole Mahavidyalaya on 23.09.2022
- Delivered an one day invited special lecture on "Educational Planning and Leadership" at Gour Mahavidyalaya as part of the teacher exchange program on 19th April of 2024.
- Delivered an one day invited special lecture on "Communication Skills" at Gazole Mahavidyalaya on 15.07.2024 as part of the teacher exchange program on 19th April of 2024.
- Dept. of Education of Dr. Meghnad Saha College win the prestigious 1st prize in inter-departmental model exhibition in 2018.
- Published a text book on educational technology (শিক্ষা ও প্রযুক্তি) for the UG level students in Bengali language as a sole author from (The Concept Publishers, New Delhi) a reputed International publishing house in February, 2023.
- Dept. of Education of Dr. Meghnad Saha College win the prestigious 1st prize in inter-departmental model exhibition in 10th January of 2024.
Department Name | Module Name | Topic Name | View/ Download |
EDUCATION | Paper III | Adult education recommended by Kothari Commission | View/ Download |
EDUCATION | Paper III | Adult education recommended by Kothari Commission | View/ Download |
EDUCATION | Paper-IV-B | DEB | View/ Download |
EDUCATION | Paper IV-B | Open and distance education | View/ Download |
EDUCATION | Paper IV-B | Open and distance education | View/ Download |
EDUCATION | Course 2 | Transfer of Learning | View/ Download |
EDUCATION | research Article | responsible factors behind tribal primary education | View/ Download |
EDUCATION | paper VII | MCQ on management and administration | View/ Download |
EDUCATION | Paper-III-B | National Knowledge Commission2007 | View/ Download |